
Playing Catch Up (Part1)

It hasn't been so long that the hate mail has started roiling in, but it has been a while since my last post. We've been verrrry busy around here. Since my last post we went on a day trip to OMSIand Ikea, finished out bedroom re-do, visited my parents at Black Lake, Paul, marathon deck builder, finished our deck, we had a great 4th of July and went on a camping trip with friends. I also have a few things growing in my garden, despite by black thumb. So for the next week or so, I will catch you up on all the various details of our craziness. Of course, since the world won't stop while I catch up on blogging, I'll probably be behind for a while. At least it will give me something to talk about!!
Here are a few pictures from our OMSI adventure. Paul had a day off, and I wanted a new bed, so it was off to Ikea for breakfast--99 cents for bacon, eggs and potatoes--and some shopping. When we had exhausted our enthusiasm there, it was off to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. The current feature there is Experiencing CSI. It was ridiculously fun. If you're into CSI stuff, that is. It is all about investigating homicides though, and not recommended for audiences under 12. For that reason, the boys stayed up in the pre-school room, and Paul and I took turns investigating crime scenes and supervising the children. On some days, that statement could contain a bit of irony, but the boys stayed out of trouble :)

Nathaniel never leaves the water play area when we are there. He throws boats, splashes in puddles and turns into a raisin. Ben's interests are a little more varied. As in, he likes to do it all. Here are the boys pretending to be beavers in a beaver lodge.

Stay tuned!!


Aly sun said...

Glad to see you are among the land of the living. Frequent updates on your blog? I will believe this when I see it.

Andee said...

I never said they'd be frequent! Just that I had stuff to blog about!

Grandma Sherri said...

always happy to see the pics and hear the stories even if it is'old' news:)

Cathy said...

I know what you mean about having a lot to catch up on and blog about. I just posted several today just because I haven't had the chance. The OMSI CSI stuff sounds FUN!