
I guess I should update my blog....

I have a New Year's confession. I'm losing the joy of blogging. You may have noticed that I didn't announce the Christmas Card Award winners last Wednesday like I said I would. Why? Because only three people commented and technically there was only one voter. Sad, sad, sad. Writing for an invisible audience is a little depressing, I must say. I've been having a lot of fun on FaceBook lately, and am contemplating moving the whole thing over there. I can still post pictures and write notes there. The drawback is you have to be a Facebooker to participate. This is not really a drawback for me as I am a Facebooker, but if you're not, my missing blog might leave a hole in your heart.
I read just the other day that blogs are going out of fashion. People are trading them in for FB and the like all the time. I'd hate to be un-fashionable!
So what do you think? Should I stay or should I go?
Meanwhile, some superfluous pictures of my darlings:

This was taken the night before Nathaniel went to the doctor. He was super cranky and we couldn't figure out what was up. We were eating dinner, but Benton was done, so he offered to "hold Nathaniel for a while." Sweetest thing I ever saw!

This is what our living room looks like with a tent, a tee pee, a couple of tunnels and a ball pit in the middle of it. It was crowded, but it sure was fun!


Katie Zuniga said...

I think you should keep blogging! I have a list of the blogs I follow and it shows me when you post something new. I would miss you writings, it is always fun to "hear" your voice from so far away.

Grandma Sherri said...

facebook just isn't the same! For some reason when I try to make the pictures bigger on FB they take forever to load, comments etc,seem shorter and more impersonal... I love your blog even if you don't post all that often.
I had no idea that tent teepee combination was so big!, And Ben holding Nat is so sweet.

Grace said...

Your boys are so cute! I found your blog from Alysun's and thought I'd drop by. I hope that you continue on here! Facebook is great, but people only look at want they want to instead of being assured that they read and look at what you post. I'm kind of blogger for nobody sometimes too ( except for Alysun who is a faithful commentor!) and it does get discouraging.

Aly sun said...

I think of Facebook as inviting someone, OK a whole lot of random people I call friends onto my front porch. We exchange pleasantries, but that is about it. Blogger on the other hand is like inviting friends into your home, into the heart of your family. I would miss you on blogger and promise to never comment on your Facebook account just out of revenge.

PS Do a give away in exchange for comments. It worked for me. t will boost your moral and I want to win!

Aly sun said...

I really love this blog background. It is SO cool. I saw it on the blog background site and loved it. And then thought, Na, it looks too much like my sister and people would think I was trying to be, like, just like her or something.

The Cowgirl's Typewriter said...

I vote you keep the blog. I'm really in rebellion against facebook (don't tell anyone that because it doesn't make sense considering that I have a facebook). Blogging is more personal too and I think it's more fun.

rae ann said...

keep the blog. screw the trends.

Lindsay said...

I think you should keep blogging as well. I have you on google reader so even if you don't post much it's still nice to have the blog option. I have been a little distracted and neglecting my blog since I signed up for facebook about a month ago. But I agree with Alysun, they are different and blogging is much more personal.

I meant to vote on your Christmas card competition. Sometimes I do the thing where I think of a comment in my head but then never leave it. Why is that? For what it's worth: Jenni, Falwell fam, Alysun, and the santa one.

Grandma Sherri said...

So excited that so many people agree with me-I know the mom/ grandma doesn't carry as many votes
Alysun put it very well I think- They are just so different- A tiny basement window into your life vs a picture window- if you want more word pictures!

Tawny said...

I'm sorry I had no idea that we were voting to pick the Christmas cards, I thought you were picking them an annoucing them. I've been waiting! FB is fun, though there is not much room for storytelling on there. Please stay!

The Brothers said...

I personally think you should keep the blog, but we won't be offended if you post less frequently - any mom will understand! Sometimes we get so dang busy. Friendships that you treasure are kept up almost entirely through Blogger at 11:35pm when the kids are finally sleeping. It's just nice to "stop by" and see how y'all are doing. If there's no new post for a few days, we'll assume things are busy yet good.

PS - Waaay more people read blogs than comment on them!

Cathy said...

I agree....I find out all the time that someone (that I had no idea) is reading my blog, but never leave comments....oh, how I wish they would! I have facebook too, but blogging is way more personal and more indepth. Don't go!!!

Jessi Reber said...

Hey it's me! I completely understand giving up blogging because of the invisible audience! That's why I quit, didn't think there was much point...after over a year, and much whining (mostly from my mom) I started up again...so that means you have to keep doing it! I promise to comment...see I'm commenting now!