
2008 Christmas Card Award Nominees

I really love getting Christmas cards. I know it's becoming unfashionable--too much work, too much postage--but I delight in opening my mail in December. Everyday something new comes from someone important to me and my family. Even if the card contains nothing but a signature, I still feel privileged to be included in their address book year after year. I enjoy plastering the hutch in my kitchen with cards and photos and having the opportunity to remember friends flung far and near with great fondness. I generally take them down in January when the mail box goes a few days without any new greetings. I move the pictures to my collage in the living room, and the cards and letters get put away in an envelope, because I cannot bear to throw them away.

This year, I have decided to do something, meaningful with my pile of cards. An awards ceremony!! I will present to you, my faithful readers, the nominees and allow you to vote to determine a winner in each category.

We begin with cutest hand-made card. The nominees (listed clockwise) are, Jenni Sheets, the Syverson Girls, The McCurley Family, and The Funk Family

For the category of Best Family Photo: The Baker Family, The Sussee Family, The Falwell Family (yup. That's Jerry Jr. and the gang), and The Taylor Family

Cutest Photo Card Design: The Bowman Family, The Peters Family, The Hall Family, and The King Family

Most Unique Christmas Card (listed clockwise): The Gilson Family(it's a talking card expounding on the wonder of egg nog), The Schellar Family, and Victoria

The following categories will be awarded, but not voted upon: First Christmas Card, Best Christmas Letter, Card from the Person we have Known the Longest, and Card that Came from Farthest Away.

I loved every card we received, and it was with much deliberation that the finalists were chosen. You are all wonderful, and we love you very much! If you were not selected this year, you can always shoot for 2009!

Winners will be announced Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The winners receive the coveted award of recognition and accolades!


Aly sun said...

I vote for Jenni for hand made card, the Bakers for family photo, Peters' for best card design, and the singing egg nog card for most original.

Unknown said...

Well it seems to me a it would be a wonderful privileged to be even selected. I am astounded a family even finds the time to address all those cards, I didn't even get around to it.

Grandma Sherri said...

Good idea and I really like getting Christmas cards too, I agree with Alysun's votes and That eggnog card was really funny, Did you have a catagory for funniest leters- Tom Labarberra's are usually the funniest we receive